We tried two approaches this week, first have artists draw from life as in portraits, self portraits, landscapes and still life's and include all artists. The second approach which was nourished and developed with the help of podcast developers Roger and Beth Ryan Miller was to have Beth pose on Friday night via internet broadcast and have artists draw her at home. Here are the results! We thought it went well and will try having models pose on Fridays.
These are drawings, watercolors, paintings that were made from direct observations and we invited anyone that did a portrait, self portrait, landscape or still life’s.
The second approach which was nourished and developed with the help of podcast developers Roger and Beth Ryan Miller was to have Beth pose on Friday night via internet broadcast and have artists draw her at home. Here are the results! We thought it went well and will try having models pose on Fridays on line.

This was our beautiful and amazing model Beth Ryan Miller who sat like an angel for us. Special thanks to Beth for posing. Photo by Brian Pierce.