Louis Grasso
I’m new to the Pretentious Cleveland Portrait Artists, but I have been in the creative field throughout my lifetime. Below I’ve supplied an altered paragraph from Northern Ohio Illustrators Society –NOIS newsletter. This will give you a brief outline of my involvement in the creative field.
Lou Grasso has been a member of NOIS since its inception in 1996. His career has spanned five decades in the design and illustration field, with experience in every aspect of the business. He has worked as an art director for many publications and magazines, and held a staff position for many years as the Director of Graphics for Penton Media Inc., and Creative Director for Penton Custom Publishing. His work has earned him and his department many awards through such venues as Print Magazine, CSCA, the New York Art Directors Club, and the International Association of Business Communicators.
In 1999, Lou earned a master’s in art from Syracuse University. He has taught art in many programs, including those at the Cleveland Institute of Art, the Orange Art Center, and Strongsville Community Education. Lou also runs his own freelance business, Rabbit Design and Illustration Studio. Jobs have included publication design, illustration, and portrait painting commissions. He shows his illustrations and paintings regularly in local exhibits, including our annual NOIS show.